Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Living In The Light

Chapter One
Shatki Gawain

We are livng in a very exciting and powerful time. On the deepest level of consciousness, a radical transformation is taking place. As the evolution of human consciousness gains greater and greater momentum, we are being challenged, on a planetary level, to let go of our present way of life and create a new one. In a sense, our “old world” is dying, and a new world is coming into being.

For many of us, the old world was based on an external focus_having lost our fundamental spiritual connection, we have believed that the material world is the only reality. Thus, feeling essentially lost, empty, and alone, we have continually attempted to find happiness and fulfillment through external “things”_money, material possessions, relationships, work, fame, food, drugs, and so on.

The new world is being built as we open to the higher power of the universe within us and consciously allow that creative energy to move through us. As each of us connects with our inner spiritual awareness, we learn that the creative power of the universe is inside of us. We also learn that we can create our own experience of reality and take responsibility for doing so. The change begins within each individual, but as more and more individuals are transformed, the mass consciousness is increasingly affected.

My observation that a profound transformation of consciousness is taking place in our world at this time is based on the changes I see within myself, those around me, and in our society. It is affirmed by feedback I receive from thousands of people I work with all over the world.

Living in the Light is about this transformation of consciousness, within each individual and in the world. My use of the terms “old world” and “new world” throughout the book refer to the old way of living that we are relinquishing, and the new one that we are creating.

For many people, this time may be distressing, because the world situation and/or our personal lives may seem to be going from bad to worse. It’s as if many things are falling apart and will continue to do so with even greater intensity, but on the deepest level, I do not feel this is negative. It is upsetting to us to the degree that we are emotionally attached to our old way of living and steadfastly follow old patterns, rather than trying to open our eyes to the profound changes that are occurring.

Paradoxical as it may seem, these changes are the greatest blessing that any of us could possibly imagine. The truth is that the way of life that we have been following for centuries no longer works. While appropriate for its time, it cannot take us where we need and desire to go. The focus on materialism and the external world was necessary in a time when our primary challenge was physical survival. Our patriarchal values and the traditional roles of men and women may have been necessary in order to ensure the protection of our families for a certain period of time in our evolutionary process.

At this time, many human beings (and other species as well) on the earth are still struggling for physical survival. Yet there are an increasing number of us who no longer have to be preoccupied primarily with sheer survival. We have the opportunity, and thus the responsibility, to begin looking for deeper fulfillment on spiritual, mental, and emotional levels. We are searching for greater meaning and purpose in our lives, and for ways to live more responsibly and harmoniously on our planet.

While some people throughout history have led relatively meaningful and satisfying lives, I’m afraid that most of us have never found the fulfillment that we have yearned for. Our cultural conditioning has not given us the tools to develop a healthy connection with our inner realms of soul, intuition, and feeling, and to integrate them with our external world.

In a way, it’s as if we’ve been in school for our entire lives, receiving an education that teaches the exact opposite of the way the universe actually functions. We try to make things work as we’ve been taught, and we may even enjoy some degree of success, but for most of us things never seem to work out as well as we had hoped. That perfect relationship never materializes, or if it does, it soon sours or fades away. Or it may seem as though there is never quite enough money; we never feel truly secure or abundant. Perhaps we don’t get the appreciation, recognition, or success that we want. Even if we do achieve some of these things, we still may suffer from a vague sense tht there must be something more, some deeper meaning. Some of us may actually connect with that deeper meaning. Some of us may actually connect with that deeper meaning and feel increasingly fulfilled and expanded by a growing spiritual awareness. Nevertheless, there are stubborn and sometimes puzzling old patterns and areas of life where we experience great pain and confusion.

Thus, our first task in building the new world is to admit that our “life education” has not necessarily taught us a satisfying way to live. We must learn a way of life that is very different from the way we approached things before. This may not be easy for us, and it will take time, commitment, and courage. Therefore, it’s very important to be compassionate with ourselves, to continually remind ourselves what a tremendous task we are undertaking. It will not be accomplished overnight; in fact, it is a lifelong process.

Just as a baby learns to walk by falling down repeatedly, we must remember that we are babies in the new world. We will learn by making lots of mistakes and often we may feel ignorant, frightened, or unsure of ourselves. But we would not get angry at a baby every time he fell down (if we did, he’d probably never learn to walk with full confidence and power), so we must try not to criticize ourselves if we are not able to live and express ourselves as fully as we wish immediately.

We are now learning to live more fully in accordance with the laws of the universe. We are challenged to explore all aspects of our human experience and to develop all levels of our being_ the spiritual, mental and emotional as well as the physical.

As we do this work, we experience an increasing sense of wholeness, empowerment, aliveness, and a feeling of being “on purpose” in our lives. So, although letting go of the old world may seem difficult at times, it is well worth the commitment and hard work it takes to gradually make this transition into the new world.


Blogger lryicsgrl said...

Are you here?

I've been reading. Thank you for posting this.

I've missed you at Pete's blog.
I hope all is well with you, and yours!


4:16 AM  
Blogger ginab said...

Reading is believing...sounds cheezy, maybe, but I would love to not have or own a thing. I've been that way since the womb. Never have caught on.


5:09 PM  
Blogger I am that I am said...

Hi Denise,

beautiful clear posting.
It's like reading my own mind, but this is so well written, clear.
It is the same as what I've been on about, or at least feel, that the things external, which do influence and overpower us all, like politics, have not gotten into gear wit the present time, because we do have the technology now, to transform everyones lives, in a good way. It's just that humans have been doing the force-trip, and the desperation struggle trip for a long time, and the mouths that more than over-fed, still exist and are stubborn, because the totality of that illusionary power unto themselves has its root in fear and not seeing.
Been hard last couple of days, to not be able to say hello and have some fun at Pete's blog but I do need to get more done and I founbd out comutering is a trifle addictifying (I know this word is non existent except for in my language).
I'll keep in touch and thanks very much Denise.
love from


4:02 AM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

Hi Denise,
Not sorry I asked, at all.
I was actually looking for lyrics that specifically speak of a particular time or place in your life.
I had been looking thru old pictures, and came across pictures taken at parties when I was a teenager. We were fortunate kids, our parents traveled a lot, leaving us home to have
"House Parties". Hence, the reason that song represents that part of my youth.
We really were like a commune in a way. I am still close with my girlfriends, from my childhood. We marvel at the fact that we would cook and clean together while "partying". Everyone pitching in, even the boys. No parent ever suspected the magnitude of these parties, everything was so dam spotless when they returned. Well, those are our rose colored memories anyway, I'm sure an adult or two figured it out ;)

6:47 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

BTW, my girls WILL be traveling WITH me.

6:49 PM  
Blogger I am that I am said...

Hiya Denise,
thanks for your post.
Yeah I think exactly the same thing, that the world is in a transitional phase.

My way of thinking is in line with what I know of Gnosticism.

It is veryhard to talk about these things Denise, especially carelessly, not having or taking the time to write well, which I'm guilty of. it underdoes what might be said. What Im'trying to say is I am not a religionist. So, if I even mention the name Jesus, people who have been affected in a bad and negative way by having a religion forced onto them as children for example, jump a mile back, because many are closed-off for anyhing to do with any of what they already saw/experienced and didn't like, the hypocrisy for instance, things they could not place in their minds as being right, so if I mention Jesus, many are afraid you are going to tell them exactly the same things they disliked already. But what i wish to say, because it's what I've come to understand from my deepest inner being, is that the lessons that Jesus had for the world, were simple ones, and that what Christianity made of most of it, has been a falsification, theefore underdoing Jesus and actually telling the world the complete oposite of all of the wys Jesus talked of.
These ways for example were and are not known only to Jesus.
But if a person reaches a certain stage in development and has an own undrrstanding then I saw that there is in every person a depper way of understanding, which leads any individual into being able to understand words of wisdom without having to be preached at, and without having to do and think what someone else told them or tells them to say and think and believe.
What I believeabout Jesus was that it was a personification of the highst we can achieve in our personal development and evolution, which is to embrace love fully to do that, the gains had from ordinary life cannot apply, because it leads to bias in love and then this that is called love isn't deserving of the worsd love because it just is not this special whole and unconditional love.
Much in the word love has too much hate in it but real love can't have hate in it just like light has no darkness in it, but dark does get expelled by light.

4:36 AM  
Blogger I am that I am said...

again me blog the hog o dear
well better than empty pages.
When I was 3 I'd go to a girl around the corner up the hill, she lived in a prefabricated house built after the second world war to solve the housing shortage, just like the house I lived in.

Her house was on the edge of the fields in the fields were ponies, rabbits, and we had a special bunch of tees down in the field that my sistersaid was the fairy tree we'd go there and look for the little people, well I never saw them but I believed wholeheartedly they were there.

Carol (the girl) was a few years older than me, her dad Ginger used to go shooting in the fields but though someone could have said it or mentioned it, I didn't understand what it meant even though we'd collect the empty cartridges from the field because they were like toys.

I'd go knock on her door, I knew the way because the mother was my mum's friend, the girl fed me sandwiches with spam, like a little mother, I'd just sit there eating the sandwiches and feeling good looking Carol in the eyes thinking how nice she was, we didn'talk much.
Once she had given me one sandwich, I didn't see why I shouldn't go back so I started wondering off for an hour regularly, because we used to be able to play outside no problem back then and my mum didn't always notice I'd disappeared.

One afternoon I was there with my sister, Carol was there and another few little children.

We were in the kitchen I looked and saw rabbits up on the wall. I said, Ahh look at the little bunny rabbits, what are they doing up there. I had no idea they were dead because I didn't understand death here on earth yet, I thought life was one and forever because this is what I saw before my birth. So seen from a child's perspective, the world and the life in me or an animal was the same life.

These things were in me, until they got knocked out and forgotten.
My sister told me; They're dead Terry
I said dead, what's that? Can't they come down, I wanted to stroke them as children do. She said no they are dead Terry, Ginger's dad shot them.
I said, Shot them? she said, yes, that's what he does with his gun I knew he had a gun and it made a big noise but I still hadn't understood what a gun really did or was for.

My sister said, Yes that's what those empty cartridges are Terry that you like finding.
I still didn't get it, then I looked closer and suddenly I saw just a bit of deep red blood at the edge of its mouth and something when through, me I heard like a roar and I thought it was the Father I had known of light, and that's a long story Denise but it is this way, I was scared, crying, the other kids were scared of me, because I said to my sister, can't my Father make them again, can't he bring them back to life?
You know my Father in that other world.
But she said, No, he can't. The kids were looking with big eyes and didn't say anything because they had no idea what I was talking about. My sister explained, Oh don't worry, it's Terry's little thing, he always has a game talking about another world. But then she said to me too that there isn't any other world only here. Which upset me, because the world I had known before birth where I had been fully conscious and aware of being, and so much more, was as real to me and just as valid, even more so, as this world, I couldn't understand that nobody else seemed to know what I was talking about.

I got scared my sister said do you want to go home? I really did because I imagined if this Ginger dad could shoot and take the life of a wee sweet bunny rabbit all furry and sweet then what might he do withme.
We were out the door, and my sister did care for me, I said, yeah glad to go I'm never going there again because what if Ginger shoots me? My sister said he wouldn't but someone who didn't love a sweet cuddly rabbit must be awful bad, I thought, bad person. At the dinner table in the high chair my dad was on my right my mum to his right, my sister to my left. I started to say to them, Do you know that Ginger, he's bad he killed the rabbits, it was like the end of he world to me in my undrstanding I could not understand it, it was new, it wasa first, the concept of unkindness and its degrees. I expected them to be shocked too and agree with me but to my amazement and fear and second sock, they seemed to be agreeing with this Ginger bad unkind man. I became scared of my parents but not as scared as I became in the following half hour.
My dad said, yeah, well Terry, he shoots them to eat
Now I didn't get it at all. Shoot is bad, but eat, to me though I could not express it even to myself what I felt was that then to fist take a life from a body, which has a being (which is soul) in it, is to take it off of its path, and I knew that when a person influences the path of another person in a bad way because of unkindness, it is not only bad for the victim but the real victim is the doer, because I knew that we were on a journey on a path each to his/her own, and the life in the animal was the same life as in me, so it was like cannibalism, to me. My dad said, how else can we live?
We've got to eat.
But I hadn't understood that meat I'd already been eating for months, was from an animal that had its life taken out of it to give us life. I asked my dad, So, we have to take life to have life?
He said yes we do.
My mum, sat quiet listening, said:- in the way/tone/manner someone would who wanted to say, Well if you think that's bad what about this:- Well, your dad's a butcher Terry. Looking at me as if knowingly and that I ought to become knowingful as well. But I didn't know what I ought to know, but her manner made me feel there's something I ought to be gewtting from this what she said, so I said what? Does dad shoot rabbits too? She said, no he doesn't shoot them. He cuts them up.
Dad said, not rabbits, cows. At this I was in severe shock trying to get the full impact right of what it all meant. I said COWS????
A rabbit to my mind was bad but a big cow those huge animals with those big eyes that I used to look into all the time to try to talk to them until my sister said they couldn't understand me, a cow?? I still didn't get it. Someone else kills them Terry your dad only has to cut them up. I said why?
He said we've got to eat how else can we live I get payed money and you have to have money to buy food Terry, otherwise we'd die. All as I saw was my dad covered in blood and I was dizzy.
I said, but it's not good for you, you shouldn't do anything unkind.
my dad said, what, what are you taklking about who told you that?
I said, My Father
He said, Your father???? I'm your father.
I said, my other Father.
What other father?
I said, in that other world.
What other world?
I said, Where I come from
There isn't any other world Terry and you haven't got any other father, I'm your father and you'd better stop talking like that.
It isn't good for you.
At that moment I thought I actually was with a bunch of devils.
And my head ached. Because I was all heated up because none of what made sense and was real to me was understood or allowed even to be said.

I sort of looked at my parents after that as like someone would to a dog that snapped at your ankles or was not to be entirely trusted, they told me, all of this stuff and after all, I was dependent on them, I hadn't even been able to walk or speak and they'd been around me, but I didn't understand them or see them as being the first thing, and seeing as a root is a root to me they were not my root, my root was the light, that I'd seen unborn, my Father was the eyes of love that took me through the world's inside worlds of all time and space and showed me my purpose on earth before I got here and brought me to a small cup where the light grew and engulfed me, and the Mother sat across from the cup and she was inside the Father.

When the light swirled and was inside and out and I was taken so far I realised why the old woman had looked so drained, her amount of love was so much that after getting into the depth of light she did she could hardly survive to get out again and never come back, but because of her depth in light, she came back to give for the all, and this is why she was supported on both sides to hold her up because she'd given everything. So when it was The Father it was the Mother and never the Father alone because it is to start with ilogical, it just isn't how things work to have just a Father we all know no father here on earth can even have a child let alone make one alone, so in the end he personifications as we see them are in human terms because that is the form our spirits are in on earth but beyond the Mother and Father is the essense of the all because if God is love, then, it cannot be only male or only female, these are just divisions of the whole, that is why we are created man and woman to join the two halves to be one again and to let life proceed through us in this way, the way all life started, demi-Gods we are, a mirrored image of the form of the universe in how it creates.
Some time after all this happened
I got knocked out with a brick on my head thrown by my sister and though I knew myself when I woke up, like that I was called Terry, where I lived etc, I got a terrible headache and felt bad in a different way because everyone thought that I was ok because I didn't seem to lose my memory but the memory I did lose was all of what I have just written here.

Yet, I knew I had forgotten something when I awoke from being unconscious, only, of course, I never knew, never, until a few years back and everything fell back into place, the whys about why I have been a non-conformist to me I was driven to do what I thought was right and fair against things in the world that I thought were not right even though they may have had the stamp of reespectibility and society on them. I wasn't driven in my mind then by God or light. But I was driven by the spark that was still somehow left in me, led me to be rebellious but then never knowing exactly where the source of my not being able to fit into authoritarianism in anything
came from.
So Denise it is logical to me that, if people take words of a prophet but do actions that have nothing to do with the inner well that Jesus and others spoke of, and these people are not free of selfishness and sheep-like mentalities, then it was bound to cause the world a lot of suffering.
Yet again though something like the power of the light is not something that can be withheld from the earth forever by the power of singular humans, whether in groups or not.
The technological breakthroughs/developments will cause the methods humans have used for thousands of years through ignorance to be changed but it is only humans that haven't communially gotten the necessary mind-set together yet, it is the holding onto the past that stands in its way, the politics are the main enemy of a peaceful world because the politics are coming from people who stand at the top of empires which are run on the inheritence of past wrong ways, so there wil be a revolution in thought and then the old actions will cease and a new way will come.
Rome cannot be unbuilt in a day.
Nor can spiritual poverty be done away with and solved and healed overnight. The spiritual poverty which to me means everything that was done for money that caused the well being of masses of people to come after the well-being of a money situation, therefore, allowing for gross misuse of each other in an inhumane way.
That needs to be undone, there is so much wrong in the world right now, incredible violence this is the thing in my view that is the hardest to get rid of and change now.
The way I see it the George Bush government has done more to help violence into the world than probably anything before him, apart from Hitler.
It gives the ordinary citizen, the thought somewhere that it is ok to be violent because there's been nothing of appeasement or understanding from the higher ups in society, a bad example to set, been nothing given just gung ho tactics and bully boy ways that seem so childish but then the president of the United States is after all the most powerful person on earth in physical terms meaning guns and bombs so that isn't childish or silly at all and certainly no joke.

see ya
Om Shanti


6:25 AM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...



DID YOU SEE ITA TODAY? CHECK OUT THE SITE FOR www.attiquestore.co.uk......

6:39 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

What's on the 4th??????
Yikes, now I'm wondering?????


7:36 AM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

You are such a good listener!!!!!

I heard him say he would be opening up a new website, and shutting down TBWHM. But, I didn't catch the date. My feed was horrible. Kept freezing. And I watched the loop as much as my kids, dogs, friends and husband would allow!!!

Well, I will look for it tomorrow! Right, March 4th?

12:08 PM  
Blogger lryicsgrl said...

Your comment made it!!!! Yeah, St. Louie Whoie!!!!
I was happy to see you there, Denise. :)

My heart, may need a heart to hang onto, it may be broken yet. My hero, may not see the light in my eyes, the honesty in my intent, the love in my heart.
Is there a full moon????

8:38 PM  
Blogger I am that I am said...

Hi Denise,

thanks for popping in, I replied to you on my page there but I get a bit mixed up about where to write back to so I thought I'd say hello here.

Are you disappointed with what seems to have been changed as to the plan of The Method?

Seems a lot of people have not had their personal invite with Code that Pete had primarily stated as being the way it would be done, and, I did get an invite myself, but it says it isn't a valid invitation.

I do think they ought not to say one thing and do another, like the lottery business, I do think that Pete's site ought to mention that it has been changed and that now it is changed if it is changed, I don't know if it has changed, maybe the lottery is for those ones outside of the list?
But if those listed haven't been contacted then something else seems out of order. I think they haven't finished developing it all, the comments too are only a few, up until about chapter 10 so maybe it is a lot of work to start it up, because, it hasn't really started yet, nobody has yet taken part, nothing is going on except that people are now accessing those two sites.
I expect they'll sort it all out before people start sitting.
I know some people would go ballistic if they couldn't take part after being told they could.
I just want Pete to realise his greater project which is this, I do know he takes everyone seriously and tries his best, to share what he can, if I'm not wrong he's as inclusive as he can be, so I trust it'll all be done in the best way he is capable of.

I expect in future with a wave of the hand in front of a screen scent will be analysed, blood then DNA and a complete outprint of all of our ancestors will appear, showing where we all came from.

I think I'm not even kidding!

Well Denise, I like Paul's site it's great of him to have taken all of that trouble, Pete has mentioned it a few times so that's nice for the people who have contributed to making it work.
I am doing my thing at the comedy bit, that's where I feel at home.

This year I feel is a powerful one, feels that way to me, I came to Holland in 76, stayed a month went to India for a year (short year but felt like aeons) hitch-hiked from New Delhi India with 10 dollars, actually 20 but I had 20 left when I reached istanbul, which we saw as Europe. Sold a couple of hundred mililitres of blood in Athens then took the boat to Crete and stayed there a couple of months douing odd jobs, picking oranges, digging holes in the pounding hot sun, then returned to Holland stayed 3, 4 or 5 months then went back to Asia again. I didn't want to ever return to Europe but I was young had no idea what I could do to earn a living. Not much attracted me either in society, because I could not agree with the setup, the institutions.
I wanted to play music all day and make a living that way. It was so hard to get back to Europe, I hated being back. My head was in India my ears too when I'd remember the sounds of flutes and all kinds of drums that you heard there everyday, the smell of real fires burning on the streets, the wonderful colours and scents, going to the barber for a haircut but then finding yourself being shaved with a cut throat razor and getting a head massage all for the same price and this is like 7 in the morning you'd stroll out into the early morning sun and see those rickshaws going by, a child with a kite high up over the ganges, smiling old people with nothing but love for you.
I still long for that freedom I had when I gave everything I owned away and did all of this.
The thing that most attracted me was the Indian saddhus, I wanted to be one, I was one, without having known in, it was a realisation to find out that thiongs I'd done was in line with an age old way of renunciation of the world, I found out myself then found out I was not the only one.
I'm still the same way, I could leave this house within an hour and leave everything behind except my guitar and I would not care less about the things I own, I just use them, they're not mine because I don't own things I have no time in this life to waste illuding myself that way.
I get no joy from the things of comfort I get comfort and happiness that is a product of those things.
The prop of those things can always change, and therefore it is to me a mistake to devote ones life to them, if things change we are then left inflexible. Anyway everything in my house, I have a few nice things but most of everything people gave me or I found on the street.
Here in Holland you can find everything on the street, in developed western societies we do have an overweight of material, we have waste, in India and Africa nothing is wasted, there's an imbalance somewhere.
They are forced to be that way, not waste a tin can, we are forced to waste.

Denise, did you receive an invite to The Method?
I have been hearing from a lot of people who were on the Pete list that they hadn't received anything.

see ya later
take care


6:03 AM  
Blogger Suesjoy said...

Hi Denise-
How are you? Boy I needed to read this - I have both Creative Visualization and Living in the Light, but haven't read them in dog's years! I need to pick them up again!
Thanks for sharing this.
I know you worked w/ autistic children. I miss "my kids" so much! It was so rewarding. It's weird, the one kid who kind of "bothered me" at first turned out to be my favorite. He's an incredible artist - very creative. I loved how he used to think "outside the box." It was very refreshing to see. He was so sweet too (once we bonded). I was out for a week when my little girl was sick and he put his hands on my cheeks and just looked at me right in the eyes for a sec (sort of saying "oh, I missed you"). It was a beautiful moment. I can't believe how much I miss my boys. (Special needs classes are mostly boys - isn't that true?).
I still have a long way to go to get my credential...I started studying for the qualifying exam for California. It's a 5 hour exam! But it's good because my brain is mush right now.
I'd love to hear about the work you are doing now!
Take care,

4:04 PM  
Blogger I am that I am said...

Hi Denise,

sorry I didn't pop in for so long.
Hope all's well.
Beeen very cold for this time of year here, Holland.
Been too restless to get into writing, which is, writing is, my main thing, that I feel for right now, I'm working towards being able to write seriously for a year, in Greece, spain, portugal and India, is what I want. I'm moving out of Holland, my head has been away ages.
Definitely feel a need to go back to India, I didn't want to come back to Europe when I was there, that has never changed, I've always missed what I found there.
Daughter is near 22 now, and finishing study, had bf, own things, so, I can now, gradually get on the road I love it.
Everything I own, I can leave just like that, right now in fact, the les I have the better i feel.
Always have since I was 16 something came over me and I started giving al that junk we have mostly, away, it felt so good, I felt free, that it had no power over my feelings anymore, and, I never did get it back, like feeling for material paraphenalia. It even gives me the creeps when people want to give me things, I noticed sometimes taking the stuff to do them a favour, then looking at it, and wishing I hadn't taken it into the house, so, I'm moving a few things out again this week, aha.
Am curious how The Method site is gonna work.
Am curious too about Pete's new songs.
Where was I? India o yeah, like being there.
I like Greece a lot too and Portugal, I intend going to live down south somehow, I think Spain and Portugal, I like hot climate, being outside a lot, playing a lot of music
in fact I had a hit with Kevin Ayer's song Hello Mister, with the Portugese they'd all sing along and where you was supposed to sing he they'd be singing she, but it did make it sound authentic because it is sung this song, in a Mexican type accent;
Allo mister 'ow about my sister
her name it's Dolores
She likes pretty colores
She's silly
Eating always chillie

Hey allo mister
Do you like my sister
Her name it's Bonita
I think you'd love to meet her
Hey a Bonita yo tochero
Bonita tochero carride
Ti amor

Hey allo mister
I got another sister
She's only 40
But especially naughty
She know lotsa tricks
more dan da younger chicks
She's very sexy
take you ome in a taxi
io io io io

Now some may say that sounds pretty simple, they might be right, but, well deary me, the fun I've had being simple then.

I'll shut me face/gob/cakehole/mush/conk/trap/north n south now
nite nite

all da lurf


5:58 PM  

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